Smart Records
This page contains testing results for Maciej's smart record management operators. The compiler for the following tests were build from this svn source:
svn co -r 33384
user@linux:~/Development/Pascal/tests$ ./smart Global pre-initialize: passed Global initializing: passed Stack initialize test: passed Nested test: passed Nested finalized: passed Sub local exit test: passed Array length test: passed Array test: passed Tests finalized: passed Balance: 1 Total tests failed: 0 Total tests passed: 9
Compilation yielded the following messages:
user@linux:~/Development/Pascal/tests$ fpc smart.pas Free Pascal Compiler version 3.1.1 [2016/03/30] for x86_64 Copyright (c) 1993-2015 by Florian Klaempfl and others Target OS: Linux for x86-64 Compiling smart.pas smart.pas(49,24) Warning: Local variable "Foo" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized smart.pas(64,33) Warning: Local variable "Foo" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized smart.pas(76,31) Warning: Variable "Foo" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized Linking smart 83 lines compiled, 0.1 sec 3 warning(s) issued
This is the test source code.
program smart; {$mode delphi} var FailCount: Integer; PassCount: Integer; Balance: Integer; Created: Boolean; procedure Check(const Message: string; Valid: Boolean); const Passed: array[Boolean] of string = (': failed', ': passed'); begin WriteLn(Message, Passed[Valid]); if Valid then Inc(PassCount) else Inc(FailCount); end; type TFoo = record private class operator Initialize(var Foo: TFoo); class operator Finalize(var Foo: TFoo); public IntValue: Integer; end; TFooArray = array of TFoo; class operator TFoo.Initialize(var Foo: TFoo); begin Inc(Balance); Foo.IntValue := Balance; Created := True; end; class operator TFoo.Finalize(var Foo: TFoo); begin Dec(Balance); Created := False; end; procedure Tests; procedure NestedTest; var Foo: TFoo; begin Check('Nested test', Foo.IntValue = 3); end; procedure ArrayTest; var Foos: TFooArray; begin SetLength(Foos, 5); Check('Array length test', Balance = 7); Check('Array test', Foos[0].IntValue = 3); end; var Foo: TFoo; begin Check('Stack initialize test', Foo.IntValue = 2); NestedTest; Check('Nested finalized', not Created); Check('Sub local exit test', Balance = 2); Created := True; ArrayTest; end; var Foo: TFoo; begin Check('Global pre-initialize', Created); Check('Global initializing', Foo.IntValue = 1); Tests; Check('Tests finalized', not Created); WriteLn; WriteLn('Balance: ', Balance); WriteLn('Total tests failed: ', FailCount); WriteLn('Total tests passed: ', PassCount); end.