Learning Center
This is the Lazarus learning center web portal. If you would like to contribute to this portal, use the edit this page command at the top of every page. Our editors will review and edit your submissions then add it to the learning center.
This portal is divided into three four areas: a courseware section, a Free Pascal language guide, a Lazarus application developer guide, and tutorials.
Computer Programming Courseware
Our courseware section section of contains materials used to introduce computer programming to students. The subjects are broad and much of it fall outside the scope of Free Pascal. It contains progressive materials with examples you can learn from and experiment with while working at your own pace.
A projects section has recently been added to the learning center. This section is contains projects related to computer hardware and software working together inside small custom 3D printed devices. The projects will typically make use of small single board computers, like the Raspberry Pi, and are based on the Linux operating system.
Free Pascal Language Guide
The Free Pascal Language guide describes the Free Pascal language as of version 3.0. It is used as with any text editor and the Free Pascal command line compiler, or it can be used with the Lazarus IDE.
Developing Applications with Lazarus Guide
The developing applications with Lazarus guide describes topics related to building cross platform applications with Lazarus. This guide assumes you are familiar with the Free Pascal language described in the guide above and takes you through the fundamentals of using Lazarus to build visual applications.
The tutorials section contains articles and videos organized by topic which walk developers through specific examples. If you intend to work through the examples presented, we strongly recommend that you use one of our setup bundles to before you start working through a tutorial.