Bare Game Example: Draw
The following is a walk through of the Bare Game draw example located in the
folder of your Bare Game install location. The example demonstrates how to define a game window, load textures, draw a background, draw a sprite, read input, and how to handle game logic and render logic.The scene
The example creates a simple scene with a background image of a cartoon house and fields. The mouse cursor is a neon pointer and swings back and forth from its pointing location. Holding down the left mouse button adds vector line segments to the canvas path. Instructions are drawn using a font writer at different locations around the screen.
The following table lists the keyboard commands
ESCExit the program F1Toggle window full screen and windowed modes F2Change to a perspective view F3Change to an orthographic view
A few notes about the example. The perspective and orthographic views serve to demonstrate that in Bare Game, even when it seems as if you are in a 2D world, it's actually 3D all the time. You can move, rotate, and scale sprites, text, backgrounds, and canvas paths in three dimensions at anytime.
Here is a video capture of the draw example begin run. Currently you can write Bare Game programs on Windows and Linux. A Macintosh capable version is soon to be released with Bare Game version 2.
Program listing
Below is a listing of the draw example program. You can research the help reference documentation to the Bare Game library on its official website. Comments are provided in the source code to help new users understand the structure. Although no sound playback or joystick input is used in this example, Bare Game is perfectly capable of using those features.
program draw; {$mode delphi} uses Bare.System, Bare.Game, Bare.Geometry, Bare.Graphics, Bare.Animation, Bare.Example, Bare.Interop.OpenGL; { TDrawExample } type TDrawExample = class(TWorldWindow) private FBackground: TBackgroudSprite; FSprite: TSprite; FDrawing: Boolean; FEasing: TEasing; FPerspectiveView: Boolean; FPerspectiveTime: Float; FPerspectiveFactor: Float; FX, FY: Float; protected procedure RenderInitialize; override; procedure RenderFinalize; override; procedure Logic(Stopwatch: TStopwatch); override; procedure Render(Stopwatch: TStopwatch); override; end; const TexCracked = 0; TexBackground = TexCracked + 1; TexCursor = TexBackground + 1; TexCount = TexCursor + 1; procedure TDrawExample.RenderInitialize; begin inherited RenderInitialize; { Change the window caption } Caption := 'Drawing Demo'; { We're drawing our own cursor } Mouse.Visible := False; { We're going to use an easing in this sample } Easings.RegisterDefaults; FEasing := Easings['Bounce']; FPerspectiveTime := -1; { Setup our pen } Pen.Color := clHotPink; Pen.Width := 10; { Make room for 3 images } Textures.Generate(TexCount); Textures.Load('cracked.jpg', TexCracked); Textures.Load('background.jpg', TexBackground); Textures.Load('cursor.png', TexCursor); { If you create it } FBackground := TBackgroudSprite.Create(World); FBackground.Origin := Vec(0, 0); { This line creates a sprite object } FSprite := TSprite.Create(World); { This line defines the image we want to use for the sprite } FSprite.Texture := Textures[TexCursor]; { This line sets how big we want out sprite to be in width and height } FSprite.Size := Vec(100, 148); { This line sets the point where a sprite is scaled and rotated in the range from 0 to 1 } FSprite.Origin := Vec(0.2, 0.1); end; procedure TDrawExample.RenderFinalize; begin { You must destroy it } FSprite.Free; FBackground.Free; inherited RenderFinalize; end; procedure TDrawExample.Logic(Stopwatch: TStopwatch); begin { Place your game logic code here } if (Keyboard.Key[VK_F2]) and (not FPerspectiveView) then begin { If the F2 key is pressed switch to a perspective view } FPerspectiveView := True; FPerspectiveTime := Stopwatch.Time; end; if (Keyboard.Key[VK_F3]) and FPerspectiveView then begin { If the F3 key is pressed switch to am othographic view } FPerspectiveView := False; FPerspectiveTime := Stopwatch.Time; end; { Animate the view changes using an easing } FPerspectiveFactor := Interpolate(FEasing, Stopwatch.Time - FPerspectiveTime); if not FPerspectiveView then FPerspectiveFactor := 1 - FPerspectiveFactor; if mbLeft in Mouse.Buttons then begin { Draw when the left mouse button is down } if not FDrawing then begin Canvas.Path.Clear; Canvas.Path.MoveTo(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) end else if (Mouse.X <> FX) or (Mouse.Y <> FY) then Canvas.Path.LineTo(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y); FDrawing := True; end else FDrawing := False; { Capture the last mouse X and Y coords } FX := Mouse.X; FY := Mouse.Y; end; procedure TDrawExample.Render(Stopwatch: TStopwatch); const Instructions = 'Press the left mouse button to draw'; Status = 'Time: %.2f'#13#10'FPS: %d'; Help = 'Press ESC to terminate - F1 Fullscreen toggle'#13#10 + 'F2 Perspective view - F3 Orthographic view'; begin { Place your game render code here } World.Update; { Make our cracked fill the screen } FBackground.Size.X := World.Width; FBackground.Size.Y := World.Height; FBackground.Texture := Textures[TexCracked]; FBackground.Draw; { You can mix in opengl code if you want, here we add perspective manually, you could also use the camera class } glRotatef(20 * FPerspectiveFactor, 0, 1, 0); glRotatef(20 * FPerspectiveFactor, 1, 0, 0); glTranslatef(10 * FPerspectiveFactor, -8 * FPerspectiveFactor, -4 * FPerspectiveFactor); { Make our background fill the world } FBackground.Texture := Textures[TexBackground]; FBackground.Draw; { Write some instructions, scale factor 1, horizontally and vertically centered } Font.Write(Instructions, 1, World.Width / 2, World.Height / 2, justifyCenter); { Stroke the current path } Canvas.Stroke(Pen, False); { Move the cursor sprite around } FSprite.Position := Vec(FX, FY, 0); FSprite.Rotation.Z := Sin(Stopwatch.Time * 4) * 20; FSprite.Draw; { Write some more text } Font.Write(Format(Status, [Stopwatch.Time, Stopwatch.Framerate]), 0.75, 1, 0); Font.Write(Help, 0.75, World.Width / 2, World.Height - 50, justifyCenter); end; begin Application.Run(TDrawExample); end.