Programming Pascal using an AI Chatbot

I asked a series of Pascal programming questions to an AI chatbot system while testing its abilities, and the following page is a record of its responses.
Write a Pascal function to return the smallest circle containing an array of points.
Sure! Here is a function that takes an array of points and returns the smallest circle that contains all of them:
function smallestCircle(points: array of TPoint): TCircle;
  i, j, k: integer;
  x, y, r: real;
  // Initialize the circle to the first point
  x := points[0].x;
  y := points[0].y;
  r := 0;

  // Iterate through the remaining points
  for i := 1 to length(points) - 1 do begin
    // If the point is outside the current circle, expand the circle
    // to include it
    if (abs(points[i].x - x) > r) or (abs(points[i].y - y) > r) then begin
      // Find the distance between the point and the center of the circle
      r := sqrt((points[i].x - x) * (points[i].x - x) + (points[i].y - y) * (points[i].y - y));

      // Iterate through the points again to check if any other points
      // are outside the expanded circle
      for j := 0 to i - 1 do begin
        if (abs(points[j].x - x) > r) or (abs(points[j].y - y) > r) then begin
          // If a point is found outside the circle, compute the new
          // center and radius of the circle that includes both points
          x := (points[i].x + points[j].x) / 2;
          y := (points[i].y + points[j].y) / 2;
          r := sqrt((points[i].x - x) * (points[i].x - x) + (points[i].y - y) * (points[i].y - y));

          // Check the remaining points to see if they fall within the
          // new circle
          for k := 0 to j - 1 do begin
            if (abs(points[k].x - x) > r) or (abs(points[k].y - y) > r) then begin
              // If a point is found outside the circle, compute the
              // new center and radius of the circle that includes all
              // three points
              x := circumcenter(points[i], points[j], points[k]);
              y := circumcenter(points[i], points[j], points[k]);
              r := sqrt((points[i].x - x) * (points[i].x - x) + (points[i].y - y) * (points[i].y - y));

  // Return the smallest circle
  result.x := x;
  result.y := y;
  result.r := r;
This function uses a brute force approach to find the smallest circle that encloses all of the points. It iterates over all pairs of points, computes the circle that encloses both of them, and then checks if all of the other points are within that circle. If any point is not within the circle, the function expands the circle to enclose it. This process is repeated until the circle encloses all of the points.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Rewrite that function to use PascalCase instead of camelCase and eliminate blank lines and unnecessary begin and end reserved words.
Sure! Here is the same function with the variable names and function name written in PascalCase, and with both the blank lines and unnecessary begin blocks removed:
function SmallestCircle(Points: array of TPoint): TCircle;
  I, J, K: Integer;
  X, Y, R: Real;
  X := Points[0].X;
  Y := Points[0].Y;
  R := 0;
  for I := 1 to Length(Points) - 1 do
    if (Abs(Points[I].X - X) > R) or (Abs(Points[I].Y - Y) > R) then
      R := Sqrt((Points[I].X - X) * (Points[I].X - X) + (Points[I].Y - Y) * (Points[I].Y - Y));
      for J := 0 to I - 1 do
        if (Abs(Points[J].X - X) > R) or (Abs(Points[J].Y - Y) > R) then
          X := (Points[I].X + Points[J].X) / 2;
          Y := (Points[I].Y + Points[J].Y) / 2;
          R := Sqrt((Points[I].X - X) * (Points[I].X - X) + (Points[I].Y - Y) * (Points[I].Y - Y));
          for K := 0 to J - 1 do
            if (Abs(Points[K].X - X) > R) or (Abs(Points[K].Y - Y) > R) then
              X := Circumcenter(Points[I], Points[J], Points[K]);
              Y := Circumcenter(Points[I], Points[J], Points[K]);
              R := Sqrt((Points[I].X - X) * (Points[I].X - X) + (Points[I].Y - Y) * (Points[I].Y - Y));
  Result.X := X;
  Result.Y := Y;
  Result.R := R;
Provide an implementation of Circumcenter.
Sure, here is an implementation of the Circumcenter function:
function Circumcenter(P1, P2, P3: TPoint): TPoint;
  X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3: Real;
  Ma, Mb: Real;
  C: TPoint;
  X1 := P1.X;
  Y1 := P1.Y;
  X2 := P2.X;
  Y2 := P2.Y;
  X3 := P3.X;
  Y3 := P3.Y;
  Ma := (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1);
  Mb := (Y3 - Y2) / (X3 - X2);
  C.X := (Ma * Mb * (Y1 - Y3) + Mb * (X1 + X2) - Ma * (X2 + X3)) / (2 * (Mb - Ma));
  C.Y := (-1 / Ma) * (C.X - (X1 + X2) / 2) + (Y1 + Y2) / 2;
  Result := C;
This function calculates the center of the circumcircle of a triangle formed by three points. It does this by first calculating the slopes of the lines formed by each pair of points, and then using these slopes to solve for the coordinates of the circumcenter.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Write me the same function, but use a more efficient algorithm and do not use a brute force method to solve the problem.
Sure! Here is a version of the function that uses an algorithm known as Welzl's algorithm to compute the smallest circle that contains all of the points:
function SmallestCircle(Points: array of TPoint): TCircle;
  TPointArray = array of TPoint;
  I: Integer;
  C: TPoint;
  R: Double;
  P: TPointArray;
  Circle: TCircle;
  Valid: Boolean;
  // If the points array is empty, return a circle with zero radius
  if Length(Points) = 0 then
    Result.Center := TPoint.Create(0, 0);
    Result.Radius := 0;
  // If the points array contains only 1 element, return a circle with zero radius
  if Length(Points) = 1 then
    Result.Center := Points[0];
    Result.Radius := 0;
  // Initialize the circle to the bounding box of the points
  C.X := (Min(Points[0].X, Points[1].X) + Max(Points[0].X, Points[1].X)) div 2;
  C.Y := (Min(Points[0].Y, Points[1].Y) + Max(Points[0].Y, Points[1].Y)) div 2;
  R := Max(Abs(Points[0].X - Points[1].X), Abs(Points[0].Y - Points[1].Y)) div 2;
  // Initialize the list of points to the remaining points
  SetLength(P, Length(Points) - 2);
  for I := 0 to Length(P) - 1 do
    P[I] := Points[I + 2];
  // Iterate until the list of points is empty or the circle is valid
    Valid := True;
    // Select the first point in the list and remove it
    Circle.Center := P[0];
    Circle.Radius := 0;
    SetLength(P, Length(P) - 1);
    // Iterate over the remaining points
    for I := 0 to Length(P) - 1 do
      // If the point is not within the circle, update the circle to enclose it
      if Distance(P[I], Circle.Center) > Circle.Radius then
        Circle := FindCircle(Circle.Center, P[I], C);
        C := Circle.Center;
        R := Circle.Radius;
        Valid := False;
  until Valid or (Length(P) = 0);
  // Return the smallest circle
  Result.Center := C;
  Result.Radius := R;
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Provide an implementation for the function FindCircle.
Certainly! Here is the implementation of the FindCircle function, which computes the smallest circle that encloses two given points:
function FindCircle(A, B, C: TPoint): TCircle;
  D: Double;
  // Compute the distance between the points
  D := Distance(A, B);
  // If the points are the same, return a circle with zero radius
  if D = 0 then
    Result.Center := A;
    Result.Radius := 0;
  // If the points are distinct, return the circle that encloses them
  Result.Center.X := (A.X + B.X) div 2;
  Result.Center.Y := (A.Y + B.Y) div 2;
  Result.Radius := D / 2;
  // If the third point is within the circle, return it
  if Distance(C, Result.Center) <= Result.Radius then
  // Otherwise, compute the circle that encloses the third point and the line segment connecting the first two points
  if A.X <> B.X then
    Result.Center.Y := (C.Y + (C.X - A.X) * (B.Y - A.Y) / (B.X - A.X)) div 2;
    Result.Radius := Abs(C.Y - Result.Center.Y);
    Result.Center.X := (C.X + (C.Y - A.Y) * (B.X - A.X) / (B.Y - A.Y)) div 2;
    Result.Radius := Abs(C.X - Result.Center.X);
Provide an implementation for the Distance function.
Certainly! Here is an implementation of the Distance function, which computes the distance between two points:
function Distance(A, B: TPoint): Double;
  Result := Sqrt(Sqr(A.X - B.X) + Sqr(A.Y - B.Y));
This function uses the Pythagorean theorem to compute the distance between the two points. It calculates the distance by first computing the differences in the X and Y coordinates, then taking the square root of the sum of the squares of these differences.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Write a Pascal function to draw a smiley face using TCanvas.
Certainly! Here is a function that draws a smiley face on a given TCanvas object:
procedure DrawSmileyFace(Canvas: TCanvas);
  CenterX, CenterY, Radius: Integer;
  // Set the center point and radius of the smiley face
  CenterX := 50;
  CenterY := 50;
  Radius := 40;
  // Draw the smiley face
  Canvas.Ellipse(CenterX - Radius, CenterY - Radius, CenterX + Radius, CenterY + Radius);
  Canvas.MoveTo(CenterX - 15, CenterY - 15);
  Canvas.LineTo(CenterX + 15, CenterY - 15);
  Canvas.Arc(CenterX - 20, CenterY - 20, CenterX + 20, CenterY + 20, CenterX - 20, CenterY, CenterX + 20, CenterY);
This function first sets the center point and radius of the smiley face. It then uses the Ellipse and Arc methods of the TCanvas object to draw the outline of the face and the smile. Finally, it uses the MoveTo and LineTo methods to draw the eyes.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Modify that function to add arguments for scale, location, and a fill color.
Certainly! Here is the modified function that adds arguments for scale, location, and a fill color:
procedure DrawSmileyFace(Canvas: TCanvas; Scale: Double; Location: TPoint; FillColor: TColor);
  CenterX, CenterY, Radius: Integer;
  // Set the center point and radius of the smiley face
  CenterX := Round(Location.X + 50 * Scale);
  CenterY := Round(Location.Y + 50 * Scale);
  Radius := Round(40 * Scale);
  // Draw the smiley face
  Canvas.Brush.Color := FillColor;
  Canvas.Ellipse(CenterX - Radius, CenterY - Radius, CenterX + Radius, CenterY + Radius);
  Canvas.MoveTo(CenterX - Round(15 * Scale), CenterY - Round(15 * Scale));
  Canvas.LineTo(CenterX + Round(15 * Scale), CenterY - Round(15 * Scale));
  Canvas.Arc(CenterX - Round(20 * Scale), CenterY - Round(20 * Scale), CenterX + Round(20 * Scale), CenterY + Round(20 * Scale), CenterX - Round(20 * Scale), CenterY, CenterX + Round(20 * Scale), CenterY);
This function now takes a Scale parameter which is used to scale the size of the smiley face. It also takes a Location parameter which is used to specify the position of the smiley face on the canvas, and a FillColor parameter which is used to specify the color to fill the smiley face with.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Write a Pascal to find the intersection of two line segments, returning false if the lines do not intersect.
Certainly! Here is a function that finds the intersection of two line segments and returns True if they intersect, or False if they do not:
function FindIntersection(A1, A2, B1, B2: TPoint; out Intersection: TPoint): Boolean;
  Denominator: Double;
  Ua, Ub: Double;
  Denominator := (B2.Y - B1.Y) * (A2.X - A1.X) - (B2.X - B1.X) * (A2.Y - A1.Y);
  // Check if the lines are parallel
  if Denominator = 0 then
    Result := False;
  Ua := ((B2.X - B1.X) * (A1.Y - B1.Y) - (B2.Y - B1.Y) * (A1.X - B1.X)) / Denominator;
  Ub := ((A2.X - A1.X) * (A1.Y - B1.Y) - (A2.Y - A1.Y) * (A1.X - B1.X)) / Denominator;
  // Check if the intersection is within the line segments
  if (Ua < 0) or (Ua > 1) or (Ub < 0) or (Ub > 1) then
    Result := False;
  // Compute the intersection point
  Intersection.X := Round(A1.X + Ua * (A2.X - A1.X));
  Intersection.Y := Round(A1.Y + Ua * (A2.Y - A1.Y));
  Result := True;
This function calculates the intersection point using the formulas for intersection of two lines. It first checks if the lines are parallel, and returns False if they are. It then checks if the intersection point is within the line segments, and returns False if it is not. Finally, it computes the intersection point and returns True.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Write a Pascal function to determine if two polygons intersect.
Certainly! Here is a function that determines whether two polygons intersect:
function PolygonsIntersect(Polygon1, Polygon2: array of TPoint): Boolean;
  I, J: Integer;
  Intersection: TPoint;
  // Iterate over the edges of the first polygon
  for I := 0 to Length(Polygon1) - 1 do
    // Determine the endpoints of the edge
    A1 := Polygon1[I];
    A2 := Polygon1[(I + 1) mod Length(Polygon1)];
    // Iterate over the edges of the second polygon
    for J := 0 to Length(Polygon2) - 1 do
      // Determine the endpoints of the edge
      B1 := Polygon2[J];
      B2 := Polygon2[(J + 1) mod Length(Polygon2)];
      // Check if the edges intersect
      if FindIntersection(A1, A2, B1, B2, Intersection) then
        Result := True;
  Result := False;
This function iterates over the edges of both polygons and checks if any of the edges intersect using the FindIntersection function that I provided earlier. If any of the edges intersect, the function returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Modify that function to guard against either polygon containing less than 3 points.
Certainly! Here is the modified function that guards against either polygon containing less than 3 points:
function PolygonsIntersect(Polygon1, Polygon2: array of TPoint): Boolean;
  I, J: Integer;
  Intersection: TPoint;
  // Check if either polygon has fewer than 3 points
  if (Length(Polygon1) < 3) or (Length(Polygon2) < 3) then
    Result := False;
  // Iterate over the edges of the first polygon
  for I := 0 to Length(Polygon1) - 1 do
    // Determine the endpoints of the edge
    A1 := Polygon1[I];
    A2 := Polygon1[(I + 1) mod Length(Polygon1)];
    // Iterate over the edges of the second polygon
    for J := 0 to Length(Polygon2) - 1 do
      // Determine the endpoints of the edge
      B1 := Polygon2[J];
      B2 := Polygon2[(J + 1) mod Length(Polygon2)];
      // Check if the edges intersect
      if FindIntersection(A1, A2, B1, B2, Intersection) then
        Result := True;
  Result := False;
This function now checks if either polygon has fewer than 3 points at the beginning, and returns False if it does. Otherwise, it proceeds with the intersection calculation as before.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
What is polygon triangulation?
Polygon triangulation is the process of dividing a polygon into a set of triangles such that each point in the polygon is contained within one of the triangles. Polygon triangulation is useful in computer graphics, as it allows complex polygons to be broken down into simpler shapes that can be more easily rendered. It is also used in computational geometry and other fields where the analysis of polygons is required.

There are several different algorithms that can be used to triangulate a polygon, each with its own strengths and limitations. Some common approaches include:

  • Ear clipping: This method involves finding and removing "ears," which are triangles formed by three consecutive vertices of the polygon that do not contain any other vertices of the polygon inside them. This process is repeated until the polygon has been reduced to a triangle.
  • Divide and conquer: This method involves recursively dividing the polygon into smaller and smaller pieces until each piece is small enough to be triangulated.
  • Incremental construction: This method involves starting with a triangle and adding vertices one at a time, connecting each new vertex to the polygon in such a way as to maintain a valid triangulation.
  • Delaunay triangulation: This method involves constructing a triangulation such that the circumcircle of each triangle does not contain any other vertices of the polygon within it. Delaunay triangulation has several desirable properties, including the fact that it minimizes the maximum angle of any triangle in the triangulation.
  • Constrained Delaunay triangulation: This method is similar to Delaunay triangulation, but takes into account additional constraints such as the requirement that certain edges of the polygon must be included in the triangulation.

The choice of algorithm will depend on the specific needs of the application and the characteristics of the polygon being triangulated.
Write a Pascal polygon triangulation function using the ear clipping method.
Here is a sample function in Pascal that uses the ear clipping method to triangulate a polygon:
  TPolygon = array of TPoint;
  TTriangle = array[0..2] of TPoint;

function TriangulatePolygon(const Polygon: TPolygon): TArray<TTriangle>;
  Triangles: TArray<TTriangle>;
  I, J, K: Integer;
  Triangle: TTriangle;
  SetLength(Triangles, 0);
  while Length(Polygon) > 3 do
    for I := 0 to Length(Polygon) - 1 do
      J := (I + 1) mod Length(Polygon);
      K := (I + 2) mod Length(Polygon);
      Triangle[0] := Polygon[I];
      Triangle[1] := Polygon[J];
      Triangle[2] := Polygon[K];
      if not IsTriangleIntersecting(Triangle, Polygon) then
        SetLength(Triangles, Length(Triangles) + 1);
        Triangles[Length(Triangles) - 1] := Triangle;
        Polygon[J] := Polygon[Length(Polygon) - 1];
        SetLength(Polygon, Length(Polygon) - 1);
  SetLength(Triangles, Length(Triangles) + 1);
  Triangles[Length(Triangles) - 1] := Polygon;
  Result := Triangles;
This function takes in a single parameter:

  • Polygon: an array of points that defines the vertices of the polygon

The function initializes an empty array of triangles and enters a loop that continues until the polygon has been reduced to a triangle. Inside the loop, it iterates over all vertices of the polygon and checks if the triangle formed by the current vertex and the two consecutive vertices is an ear. If it is, the triangle is added to the array of triangles and the middle vertex is removed from the polygon.

Finally, the function adds the remaining triangle to the array of triangles and returns the array.

You will need to implement the IsTriangleIntersecting function, which takes a triangle and a polygon as input and returns a boolean indicating whether the triangle intersects the polygon.

Here is an example implementation of the IsTriangleIntersecting function:
function IsTriangleIntersecting(const Triangle: TTriangle; const Polygon: TPolygon): Boolean;
  I: Integer;
  Edge: TLine;
  Result := False;
  for I := 0 to Length(Polygon) - 1 do
    if I = Length(Polygon) - 1 then
      Edge[0] := Polygon[I]
      Edge[0] := Polygon[I + 1];
    Edge[1] := Polygon[I];
    if DoLinesIntersect(Edge, Triangle) then
      Result := True;
This function takes in a triangle and a polygon as input and checks if any edge of the polygon intersects the triangle. If it
finds an intersection, it returns True to indicate that the triangle intersects the polygon. If it completes the loop without finding an intersection, it returns False to indicate that the triangle does not intersect the polygon.

You will also need to implement the DoLinesIntersect function, which takes two lines as input and returns a boolean indicating whether the lines intersect.

Here is an example implementation of the DoLinesIntersect function:
function DoLinesIntersect(const Line1, Line2: TLine): Boolean;
  A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2: Double;
  A1 := Line1[1].Y - Line1[0].Y;
  B1 := Line1[0].X - Line1[1].X;
  C1 := A1 * Line1[0].X + B1 * Line1[0].Y;
  A2 := Line2[1].Y - Line2[0].Y;
  B2 := Line2[0].X - Line2[1].X;
  C2 := A2 * Line2[0].X + B2 * Line2[0].Y;
  Result := (A1 * B2 - A2 * B1) <> 0;
This function takes in two lines, represented as pairs of points, and determines whether they intersect by solving the system of equations formed by the two lines. If the lines are parallel, the function returns False to indicate that they do not intersect. If the lines are not parallel, the function returns True to indicate that they intersect.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to see any additional examples.
Write a Pascal function to compute the digest for a SHA-256.
Here is a function that computes the SHA-256 digest for a given message in Pascal:
function SHA256Digest(const Message: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  H: array[0..7] of Cardinal = (
    $6a09e667, $bb67ae85, $3c6ef372, $a54ff53a,
    $510e527f, $9b05688c, $1f83d9ab, $5be0cd19
  K: array[0..63] of Cardinal = (
    $428a2f98, $71374491, $b5c0fbcf, $e9b5dba5,
    $3956c25b, $59f111f1, $923f82a4, $ab1c5ed5,
    $d807aa98, $12835b01, $243185be, $550c7dc3,
    $72be5d74, $80deb1fe, $9bdc06a7, $c19bf174,
    $e49b69c1, $efbe4786, $0fc19dc6, $240ca1cc,
    $2de92c6f, $4a7484aa, $5cb0a9dc, $76f988da,
    $983e5152, $a831c66d, $b00327c8, $bf597fc7,
    $c6e00bf3, $d5a79147, $06ca6351, $14292967,
    $27b70a85, $2e1b2138, $4d2c6dfc, $53380d13,
    $650a7354, $766a0abb, $81c2c92e, $92722c85,
    $a2bfe8a1, $a81a664b, $c24b8b70, $c76c51a3,
    $d192e819, $d6990624, $f40e3585, $106aa070,
    $19a4c116, $1e376c08, $2748774c, $34b0bcb5,
    $391c0cb3, $4ed8aa4a, $5b9cca4f, $682e6ff3,
    $748f82ee, $78a5636f, $84c87814, $8cc70208,
    $90befffa, $a4506ceb, $bef9a3f7, $c67178f2
  M: array of Byte;
  W: array[0..63] of Cardinal;
  H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8: Cardinal;
  A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Hh: Cardinal;
  T1, T2: Cardinal;
  I, J: Integer;
  Chunk: Cardinal;
  // Pre-processing:
  // 1. Add padding bits
  // 2. Add length of original message (in bits)
  SetLength(M, (Length(Message) + 9) div 64 * 64);
Sure, here is the rest of the function:
  // Continued
  Move(Message[1], M[0], Length(Message));
  M[Length(Message)] := $80;
  for I := Length(Message) + 1 to Length(M) - 8 do
    M[I] := 0;
  Chunk := Length(Message) * 8;
  Move(Chunk, M[Length(M) - 8], 8);
  // Initialize hash value for this chunk:
  H1 := H[0];
  H2 := H[1];
  H3 := H[2];
  H4 := H[3];
  H5 := H[4];
  H6 := H[5];
  H7 := H[6];
  H8 := H[7];
  // Process message in successive 512-bit chunks:
  for I := 0 to Length(M) div 64 - 1 do
    // Break chunk into sixteen 32-bit big-endian words w[i], 0 ≤ i ≤ 15
    for J := 0 to 15 do
      Move(M[I * 64 + J * 4], W[J], 4);
    for J := 16 to 63 do
      W[J] := (W[J - 16] shr 7 or W[J - 16] shl 25) xor (W[J - 16] shr 18 or W[J - 16] shl 14) xor (W[J - 16] shr 3) xor (W[J - 15] shr 17 or W[J - 15] shl 15) xor (W[J - 15] shr 19) xor (W[J - 15] shl 10) xor (W[J - 7] shr 6 or W[J - 7] shl 26) xor (W[J - 7] shr 11 or W[J - 7] shl 21) xor (W[J - 7] shr 25) xor (W[J - 2] shr 2 or W[J - 2] shl 30) xor (W[J - 2] shr 13 or W[J - 2] shl 19) xor (W[J - 2] shr 22);
    // Initialize hash value for this chunk:
    A := H1;
    B := H2;
    C := H3;
    D := H4;
    E := H5;
    F := H6;
    G := H7;
    Hh := H8;
    // Main loop:
    for J := 0 to 63 do
      T1 := Hh + ((E shr 6 or E shl 26) xor (E shr 11 or E shl 21) xor (E shr 25)) + ((E and F) xor (not E and G)) + K[J] + W[J];
      T2 := ((A shr 2 or A shl 30) xor (A shr 13 or A shl 19) xor (A shr 22)) + ((A and B) xor (A and C) xor (B and C));
      Hh := G;
      G := F;
      F := E;
      E := D + T1;
      D := C;
      C := B;
      B := A;
      A := T1 + T2;
    // Add this chunk's hash to result
Sure, here is the rest of the function:
    // Continued
    H1 := H1 + A;
    H2 := H2 + B;
    H3 := H3 + C;
    H4 := H4 + D;
    H5 := H5 + E;
    H6 := H6 + F;
    H7 := H7 + G;
    H8 := H8 + Hh;
  // Produce the final hash value (big-endian)
  SetLength(Result, 32);
  Move(H1, Result[1], 4);
  Move(H2, Result[5], 4);
  Move(H3, Result[9], 4);
  Move(H4, Result[13], 4);
  Move(H5, Result[17], 4);
  Move(H6, Result[21], 4);
  Move(H7, Result[25], 4);
  Move(H8, Result[29], 4);
This function computes the SHA-256 digest for a given message by following the steps outlined in the SHA-256 specification. It first pre-processes the message by adding padding bits and the length of the original message, and then processes the message in successive 512-bit chunks. For each chunk, it initializes the hash value and then processes the chunk using the main loop, which updates the hash value based on the current chunk and the previous hash value. Finally, it produces the final hash value by concatenating the values of the eight hash state variables.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Write a Pascal function to compute the HMAC of a hashing digest.
Here is a sample function in Pascal that computes the HMAC (Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code) of a hashing digest:
function HMAC(const Key, Message: AnsiString; HashFunction: THashFunction): AnsiString;
  KeyData: AnsiString;
  KeyLength: Integer;
  I: Integer;
  InnerHash, OuterHash: AnsiString;
  KeyLength := Length(Key);
  if KeyLength > 64 then
    InnerHash := HashFunction(Key);
    KeyData := InnerHash;
    KeyData := Key;
  if KeyLength < 64 then
    SetLength(KeyData, 64);
  for I := Length(Key) + 1 to 64 do
    KeyData[I] := #0;
  InnerHash := HashFunction(XORStrings(KeyData, AnsiString('36')) + Message);
  OuterHash := HashFunction(XORStrings(KeyData, AnsiString('5C')) + InnerHash);
  Result := OuterHash;
This function takes in three parameters:

  • Key: the secret key used to generate the HMAC
  • Message: the message for which the HMAC is being generated
  • HashFunction: a reference to the hashing function that will be used to generate the HMAC

The function first determines the length of the key, and if it is longer than 64 bytes, it hashes the key using the specified HashFunction. If the key is shorter than 64 bytes, it pads the key with zeros to reach a length of 64 bytes.
Next, the function generates the inner and outer hashes using the XOR of the key and a fixed string, followed by the message or the inner hash. The final HMAC is the outer hash.

This function uses the XORStrings function, which performs a bitwise XOR on each character in two strings. Here is an example implementation of this function:
function XORStrings(const Str1, Str2: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  I: Integer;
  SetLength(Result, Length(Str1));
  for I := 1 to Length(Str1) do
    Result[I] := AnsiChar(Ord(Str1[I]) xor Ord(Str2[I]));
You will need to define the THashFunction type as a reference to a function that takes in a string and returns a string. This can be done using the following syntax:
  THashFunction = function(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
You can then pass a reference to a specific hashing function, such as MD5 or SHA-256, as the HashFunction parameter to the HMAC function.