Setup Instructions
This page assists users in obtaining Free Pascal 3.0.4 and Lazarus. It currently has sections for Windows, Linux, Raspbery Pi, and Macintosh.
Update: Minimal Free Pascal 3.0.4 compilers are now available. Minimal compilers provide a starting point if you want to build Free Pascal yourself from source code. Read more about them here.
The quickest and most straight forward way to setup Free Pascal and Lazarus is to use one of the installation methods below. These install methods will not interfere with other Free Pascal or Lazarus development environments you might already have on your computer.

To install: Simply download and run this setup program.
The setup program is built using Inno Setup. If you would like to build your own Windows installer, the inno setup script project is available on github.
Windows Installer Notes
- The setup program is currently not signed by an authority
- It will therefore say publisher unknown, which is normal

To install: Download the Linux setup script, then open a terminal in your download folder and type these commands:
chmod +x ./
The Linux installer is a shell script which builds Free Pascal 3.0.4 and Lazarus from sources. If you would like to view or suggest changes to the script, it's available on github.
Linux Installer Notes
- Lazarus may need additional Gtk+ developer packages
- Instructions on which packages are needed is provided during setup

Raspberry Pi
To install: Download the Raspbian setup script, then open a terminal in your download folder and type these commands:
chmod +x ./
The Raspberry installer is a shell script that downloads precompiled versions of Free Pascal 3.3.1 and Lazarus. These versions are optimized for the Raspberry Pi and reduced in size, but not in function. If you would like to view or suggest changes to the script, it's available on github.
Raspberry Installer Notes
- Lazarus may need additional Gtk+ developer packages
- Instructions on which packages are needed is provided during setup
- You'll need a swap file of at least 512MB if you want to rebuild the Lazarus IDE

To install: Download the Macintosh setup script, then open a terminal in your download folder and type these commands:
chmod +x ./
The Macintosh installer is a shell script which step you through setting up Free Pascal 3.0.4 and Lazarus on Macintosh. It will automatically setup tools, such as xcode, which are needed when developing for Macintosh. If you would like to view or suggest changes to the script, it's available on github.
Macintosh Installer Notes
- If you don't have XCode and MacPorts installed, setup will ask to install them for you
- Setup will detect if you need to code sign the debugger
Manual Installation
Though not recommended, and we advise against it, if you are on Windows and determined to make the Free Pascal and Lazarus manually, you can read about making it yourself.