Day 6
This is the day 6 page for
object oriented programming course 102, an introduction to object oriented programming. On day 6 we're going to examine the class we wrote in
day 5 in more detail.
Below are the topics and course materials we are learning today.
File Search Utility
A completed version of the project we began in our previous session is location on
this page. This program contains all the functionality of the classes we began writing along with some extra features. In this lesson we are going to break down the File Search utility and try to understand how its various parts interact with one another.
Main Screen

The main screen of our program is shown on the left. It is composed of several source code files each defining one of more classes. Each unit and class adds to the functionality of final screen. Some of the units add visual functionality, while others implement non visual functionality.
Main Unit

The main unit provides functionality for the areas highlighted on the left. Can you describe the way this area of the program works?
Expanding Units

The expand related units provide functionality for the areas highlighted on the left. Can you describe the way this area of the program works?
Grid Unit

The grid related unit provide functionality for the areas highlighted on the left. Can you describe the way this area of the program works?
Non Visual Units

This program also has a few non visual units. These units deal with searching for files and storing those results. Can you describe how they work?
See also