Project 6: Handling Events

Your homework project involves handling events. To complete this project you'll need to download the project below.


To complete this project follow these steps.

1. Use this download link to get a copy of this homework project on your computer.

2. Move the file webevents.7z to your homework folder.

3. Extract the contents of file above.

4. Use the Lazarus IDE to open the project webevents.lpi.

You will need to write code for the problems 1 through 5 to complete this homework project. Scroll down in the main unit to see the problems. Beginning with problem 1 you should see the comment:
{ Problem 1: Add an OnDestroy event
  Free the http client object } 

Type OnDestroy := FormDestroyHandler. With the keyboard cursor on FormDestroyHandler press Ctrl + Shift + C on your keyboard. You should see this bit code code added to your unit:

procedure TMainForm.FormDestroyHandler(Sender: TObject);


Repeat the above steps for each problem in the project. You will need to use a different name unique name for each event handler.

If you are unsure of how to solve some of the problems within this homework project you may want to refer to our prior recent projects or search for help using the documentation.

See also