For the past month I've been working on writing and testing an object oriented encapsulation of the free open source SDL and NanoVG libraries. I've reach a goal of completeing a collection of demo programs highlighting different aspects of my library. The library is named Tiny Sim.
The Tiny Sim library currently exposes a hardware accelerated vector based graphics system, a custom skinnable and transformable user interface widget toolkit, mouse keyboard and joystick input processing, as well as SVG document loading parsing and realtime rendering. Tiny Sim will soon include a 2D physics simulation system, a low level audio system with support for most audio stream types, GLSL shaders effects and 3D geometry. All of these features will run well on Windows, Linux, Mac, and Raspberry Pi computers.
Below is a video containing the first crop of nine demos included in the first revision of Tiny Sim.
Video: Tiny Sim Demos