For the past few weeks I've been working on writing and testing an object oriented encapsulation of the free open source SDL and NanoVG libraries.
Below is a short video clip of one of my demos, the Synthwave demo. This demo evokes the style of the 1980s synthwave music culture using Free Pascal. The user interface elements are also rendered using vector graphics.
Here is a video capture of the Synthwave vector graphics demo.
Video: Synthwave
Source Code
The following is a complete listing of the Sythwave demo.
unit Demo.Synthwave; {$mode delphi} interface uses Tiny.System, Tiny.Types, Tiny.Geometry, Tiny.Application, Tiny.Graphics, Demo.Scene; { TSynthwave } type TPoints = TArrayList<TVec3>; TPointList = TArrayList<TPoints>; TSynthwave = class(TDemoScene) private FPoints: TPointList; FLast: Double; FSpeed: Float; protected function GetTitle: string; override; function GetDescription: string; override; function GetGlyph: string; override; function RangeGenerate: TRangeInfo; override; procedure RangeChanged(NewPosition: Float); override; procedure Load; override; procedure Render(Width, Height: Integer; const Time: Double); override; end; implementation const ListLength = 30; PointsLength = 60; Spacing = 40; Offset = PointsLength * Spacing / 2; Depth = 300; function TSynthwave.GetTitle: string; begin Result := 'Synthwave'; end; function TSynthwave.GetDescription: string; begin Result := 'Synthwave stems from a microgenre of electronic music drawing predominantly from 1980s culture.'; end; function TSynthwave.GetGlyph: string; begin Result := ''; end; function TSynthwave.RangeGenerate: TRangeInfo; begin Result := TRangeInfo.Create('Driving speed', FSpeed, 0.001, 0, 10); end; procedure TSynthwave.RangeChanged(NewPosition: Float); begin FSpeed := NewPosition; end; procedure TSynthwave.Load; var PointData: TPoints; A, I, J: Integer; begin inherited Load; { Reset the speed timer } FLast := 0; if FPoints.Length = 0 then FSpeed := 1; FPoints.Length := ListLength; { Generate our ground geometry } for I := 0 to ListLength - 1 do begin PointData := nil; PointData.Length := PointsLength; for J := 0 to PointsLength - 1 do begin A := Abs(J - ListLength); PointData[J] := Vec3(J * Spacing, Random * -(A * A) + ListLength, I * -10); end; FPoints[I] := PointData; end; end; procedure TSynthwave.Render(Width, Height: Integer; const Time: Double); const { Skip allows for reduction in overall scene geometry } Skip = 6; colorDusk = $FF6E073A; colorCorona = $00FF0000; var Brush: IGradientBrush; Rect: TRectF; Delta: Double; Reset: Boolean; A, B: Float; I, J: Integer; begin inherited Render(Width, Height, Time); { Draw background } Brush := NewBrush(NewPointF(0, Height * 0.6), NewPointF(0, 0)); Brush.NearStop.Color := colorDusk; Brush.FarStop.Color := colorBlack; Canvas.Rect(ClientRect); Canvas.Fill(Brush); { Draw corona } Rect := NewRectF(350, 350); Rect.X := Width / 2 - Rect.Width / 2; Rect.Y := Height / 2 - Rect.Height / 2; Brush := NewBrush(Rect); Brush.FarStop.Offset := 0.9; Brush.NearStop.Color := colorOrange; Brush.NearStop.Offset := 0.1; Brush.FarStop.Color := colorCorona; Canvas.Circle(Width / 2, Height / 2, 350); Canvas.Fill(Brush); { Draw sun } Brush := NewBrush(NewPointF(0, Height * 0.7), NewPointF(0, Height * 0.3)); Brush.NearStop.Color := colorRed; Brush.FarStop.Color := colorYellow; Canvas.Circle(Width / 2, Height / 2, 225); Canvas.Fill(Brush); { Adjust for speed } Delta := (Time - FLast) * 50 * FSpeed; FLast := Time; { Check if we need to rebuild next row } for I := 0 to ListLength - 1 do begin Reset := False; for J := Skip to PointsLength - (Skip + 1) do begin FPoints[I].Items[J].Z := FPoints[I].Items[J].Z - 0.5 * Delta; if FPoints[I].Items[J].Z < -Depth then begin Reset := True; Break; end; end; { Rebuild row } if Reset then begin FPoints.Move(ListLength - 1, 0); for J := Skip to PointsLength - (Skip + 1) do begin A := Abs(J - ListLength); FPoints[0].Items[J].Z := 0; FPoints[0].Items[J].Y := Random * -(A * A) + ListLength; end; end; end; { Draw the ground grid } Canvas.Matrix.Translate(Width / 2, Height / 2); for I := 0 to ListLength - 2 do for J := Skip to PointsLength - (Skip + 2) do begin A := Depth / (Depth + FPoints[I][J].Z); B := Depth / (Depth + FPoints[I + 1][J].Z); Canvas.MoveTo((FPoints[I][J].X - Offset) * A, FPoints[I][J].Y * A); Canvas.LineTo((FPoints[I][J + 1].X - Offset) * A, FPoints[I][J + 1].Y * A); Canvas.LineTo((FPoints[I + 1][J + 1].X - Offset) * B, FPoints[I + 1][J + 1].Y * B); Canvas.LineTo((FPoints[I + 1][J].X - Offset) * B, FPoints[I + 1][J].Y * B); { Fill and stroke } Canvas.Fill(NewColorF(0, 0, 0, -FPoints[I][J].Z / 100), True); A := Depth + FPoints[I][J].Z; Canvas.Stroke(NewColorF((250 - A) / 255, 0, (50 + A) / 255, 1 - A / 300), 2); end; end; end.